I can't believe I'm blogging...

...Thus begins the inside life of yet another person - friend, sister, daughter, muso (I love that word), lover of God, lover of life, runner, worshipper - who sits randomly around the world in Jerusalem, Israel and has joined the ranks of those who also sit somewhere and think and ponder and then write...How exciting.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Feasting and Beasting...

So I can't believe I haven't written in so long - and I'm so full of thoughts, or so I say. I'm trying not to feel the pressure of the bloggage - but I thought I'd be a lot more diligent (hence, the meaning of my own name "Emily"). So, I've been time consumed lately with various things that shall remain nameless...but one thing at work that keeps me going is the Feast, which is worth mentioning becuase it will be my excuse for not writing for the next month!

Yippee. Or scary. For those of you that don't know, the ICEJ where I work celebrates a Jewish holiday, the Feast of Tabernacles, or Succot, and hosts a very, very large international conference where thousands from around the world gather here in Jerusalem. We, a mere core staff of 50, plus the help of loads of volunteers that come in to work selflessly for weeks or months on end , run this monster. Can you believe? And every year I wonder, "how the heck does this happen?" And yet, every year, it does... and has been for the past 25 years!

I run the sales booth. It's large. So here I am in my office, coordinating volunteers, figuring out random things from time, bus and lunch schedules to how to work a cash register in Hebrew (and how to train my little old volunteers on this) and then putting together some 'special deals' this year... Just a lot of usual business. From here on, the Embassy has one sole focus and one main goal..it's kind of what we live for from year to year and it comes so quickly - then it's HERE - and then just like that, it's gone, disappeared into the wind, and we are left reeling in the aftermath. Mine particularly is boxes. Boxes and boxes and boxes of everything you can imagine, dumped into one room and waiting for me to come stare at them and wish they'd all go away - oh, I mean, organize and sort through and unpack, etc.

Hmm. Anyway. This will be my life from here to the end of October. So far away it seems, but it will go so fast. In fact, this will be my 3rd Feast already! This, to me, is major, because after doing my first one I said to myself (and probably also to everyone around me :) that I will never do this again. So that's why I'm here today. Makes sense. God really has a sense of humor.

But I have to admit there are a LOT of great times and funny stories that we get out of it. I mean, it can't go down without something going awry somewhere. And believe me, it happens and is hysterical. Plus you get to meet people from everywhere, make new friends, stretch in the ways of patience and control... :) things like this.

Thrilling. I'll definitely talk more as time goes on.


At 9:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to hear about the time consuming things that are remaining nameless.

At 5:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe there are some potential feast volunteers out there who got inspired to help after reading your blog.... em is cool and she could really use a few good, dedicated, hard workers. wish i could be there again, em.

At 7:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you do good work em. by the way, could someone send over my usher vest if no one is using it? it'll help me to feel close to all that's going on at the feast.

At 6:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. no mom, anyone who has read Em's blog is no longer a potential Feast volunteer - they will surely run the other way, a very wise move i might add.

2. i too said i'd never do another Feast - FOUR Feasts ago. But really, THIS one is my last!

3. what are some of the hysterical stories? you should chronicle them. really dad had the best. he and his veat should make a reappearance.

At 6:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

make theat "vest" not veat.

At 6:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

found your blog!.....can't believe its feast time again...and that a year ago i was there in the middle of the madness....gosh....i miss you guys! thinking of you lots....will write a good email soon....promise...
love you millions

At 5:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooh, comment spam! Em, now your blog is complete. It's official. Welcome to the WWW.

John, Carol, you guys were missed this Feast. There was just this indefinable... missingage about the whole thing. ;) Hope to see you back here sometime soon.


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