I can't believe I'm blogging...

...Thus begins the inside life of yet another person - friend, sister, daughter, muso (I love that word), lover of God, lover of life, runner, worshipper - who sits randomly around the world in Jerusalem, Israel and has joined the ranks of those who also sit somewhere and think and ponder and then write...How exciting.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Hiking the Crater

I will sometime get around to writing my post feast thoughts and stories, being it was my last one and I should document it but I'm still processing it at the moment and dealing with PFSing (Post Feasting) and can't take the time to write it out just yet.

So I will talk about a hike that we went on this past weekend.

On Saturday, there were 7 of us that drove down to the south of Israel, the desert, to a naturally made crater, thousands of years old. It's one of the largest in the world. That's all I can basically say about it, because I don't know any more than that, and I don't even know if I got that much right. (Ree, maybe when you comment on my blog, you can expound on this...)

It was about a 2 1/2 hour drive, where we go from busyness of cityness to brownish rolling hills of the desert filled with sheep and bedouin communities. We also go from cold Jerusalem to hot desert sun, which is what I love the most. It's a beautiful drive and a stark contrast from going north - which is green and colorful. But both are really nice, B-E-A-Utiful!

Basically, on this hike, all you really see is dirt and rock, but the sky was huge and blue and goes on forever there. In fact, I've camped in the crater once before about 2 months ago, and I couldn't believe the amount of stars that were in the sky! I was completely in shock - you could see the Milky Way and just tons and tons of stars...always amazes me...

So, we did about a 3ish hour hike...the hill at the end was steep and really exhausted us all, but we conquered it. The nice thing about hikes is that you can just walk and talk to your friends, take your time, stop for pictures and granola (or Beasley if you like that kind of stuff, those are Israeli style chips for those who don't know) and then just continue on whenever you feel like it.

We also got to go hiking with Ree and Franklin's dog, Chloe, and she did a wonderful job. It's almost like having a kid around, but you take less care of it and she doesn't say anything or complain. She was a great additive to the dynamics of the group. I don't know why, but it was fun. And when she gets tired, Franklin carries her on his shoulders, which is even funnier.

That nite we went back and watched some funny SNL clips and a movie at Ree's.....which people barely stayed awake for. And made some homemade mulled wine, which reminds me of England during Christmastime (because they used to have these "mince pies and mulled wine" christmas parties).
So that was my Saturday. Fun stuff.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Attack of the Bees!

....After having NOT written in so long, I completely forgot my username AND password for this awkward blogspot - I couldn't even sign on to my own blog page! Imagine!

So, my time at the Embassy is coming to a very quick end. The new guy, James (we call him Semaj which we say is his Arabic name - or just his name spelled backwards) is taking my place and I'm still training him. At times, when he occupies the computer, I get to sit out here at the reception area and check my email and stuff..so it works out well. Except that all my pics are on the C drive on my computer...and I'm out here - oh well I'll just add them later...

Hmm. I think I should blog the bee incident.

So 2 weekends ago I went with a bunch of friends up north to the Galilee and the Golan. It's so nice to get away from Jerusalem and surroundings and just visit peaceful countryside. I always wanted to live in the south or something when I was in the US because it's so cute and quiet and nice and they serve Sweet Tea which is my fave drink!! Anyway, I'm still happy to be a city girl and I probably wouldn't be able to handle how slow they talk...but it's nice for a visit.

So, we visited a well known sight called Gamla - the scenery, the mountains, the hike - it was all so gorgeous! I wish I had pics. Anyway, my German friend Ruben was going to help a girl jump off a ledge over a small patch of weeds and stuff - so he stepped on what he thought was just a patch of weeds...until suddenly, in a delayed reaction, a swarm of bees came flying out, angrily, at Ruben's feet. He screamed for us to run, and this sent us all panicked in different directions. Man, it was horrible! Just like the movies...they were all over him and chasing him! He even threw himself to the ground, was rolling around and then ripped off his shirt too...I've never seen anything like it. After we had stopped running and things had quieted down, Landon and I were standing far off kind of in shock. He was checking out his stings - he got 3 - and I was marveling that I hadn't gotten any.

Until, as I was standing there...a few seconds later...some stray bee that I was swatting out in annoyance, just flew right into my neck and stung me! PUNK! That was my first bee sting ever. I feel like I've suddenly been thrust into a whole new realm of people around the world who've encountered "the bee."

But poor Rube, I think he got like 25 stings! (Actually this is what I was telling people until I found out he only got 15, but still 15!!!...) Most of them were around his feet too and his one foot swelled up to twice the size ...kind of funny to look at.

Anyway. We finished the hike, kind of all tense and nervous at first, but then we all calmed down. The hike to the top of Gamla is SO worth it for the view. You are high up looking out far off into the distance, it's quiet and peaceful, and birds are flying around eye level with you...

And by the end of the trip we were laughing hysterically at the whole incident and kept recounting our different reactions and Rubens' selfless heartfelt cry "SAVE YOURSELVES..."(well, he just said Run, but we're taking some creative license here). So at least we can laugh at it now and I am happy to report that Ruben's foot is back to normal and thankfully he is recovered from the trauma.

Ok Ree - there you go - a blog. :)