I can't believe I'm blogging...

...Thus begins the inside life of yet another person - friend, sister, daughter, muso (I love that word), lover of God, lover of life, runner, worshipper - who sits randomly around the world in Jerusalem, Israel and has joined the ranks of those who also sit somewhere and think and ponder and then write...How exciting.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Email Stalker...

Nonono, it's not anyone who comments on my blogs...it's actually my dad who wants attention.

I think my parents were highly offended at the title of my last blog so this time I guess I'll amuse them with this one...

So it works like this, if I'm signed onto the computer while my dad is home, he makes any excuse to come downstairs to our basement where the comp is and talk to me, or walk reallyreally slowly by as he's pretending to do something..or other times he'll just hover over my left shoulder and stare at the screen in hopes that I'm chatting to someone online...we always joke about his own "buddy list" on AIM having a whopping 2 maybe 3 buddies...we think he's jealous. So now, whoever lives at home at the moment and goes online (not my mom of course, he already knows her password), it becomes an ongoing back and forth between us as he tries to hover as much as possible, really not caring about any information, but just for the sheer annoyance now and the more you put up a fight, the more he hovers...

This particular night my dad, after trying to read emails over my shoulder but not getting anywhere, decided to "leave"... started walking away... and thinking I wouldn't notice that I never heard footsteps going upstairs, as he rounded the corner out of sight, it got quiet. Hmmmm. Seconds lapsed as I waited and then decided 2 can play this game...So I started feverishly and intermittantly clicking on my mouse on nothing in particular, but all the while waiting for him to pop his head around the corner to see what I was doing... It was great when he waited a little while and then sneakily looked, only to find ME staring right back at him. We burst into fits of laughter - my dad screams when he laughs and then my mom comes down to see what is going on...I usually ask her to take her husband upstairs with her....but still, a few minutes later he would try to sneak down the stairs again ....

Apparently, he gets the biggest kick out of it too, like reverting back to childhood. SO this story was more for Matt and Nicole and Tony's benefit who know what it's like to have DIS (we call him) as our email stalker wanting attention...

Monday, March 27, 2006


So I haven't blogged because I haven't had anything too interesting to write about - I need a muse, as they say, or something...BUT I have been keeping busy...

Lets me think what I've been up to: Yesterday morning, I spoke at a church on Israel, officially for the first time. How weird is that?? I always thought I would never do something like that, only because there are people who know SO much more than me about it, so what can I say. But I realized, lots of people HERE don't know much about Israel and only know what they see on the news, which we all know is pretty much one-sided and always showing explosions or something. Anyway, it was nice to get a chance to explain to people some things about living over there...

Tonight and for the past few Monday nights, I've also been driving into Manhattan for this great bible study. Actually one of Lance Lambert's very own home-boys hooked me up with the contact, Dana Congdon, a friend of theirs who lives in NYC. All these people belong to a chinese church in Flushing NY that Lance speaks at from time to time.... the bible study (BS) is in Greenwich Village which is a very cool area of the city - and the BS has been a great blessing....

Ummm on Wednesday nights I've been going with my good friend Margo to another BS in Queens...GEES i'm just full of BS aren't I!! HAhahaha...This one I've been doing a little worship at for the past few weeks and wound up just leaving my big purple keyboard at their apt instead of schlepping it back and forth. YES I do own a big purple keyboard and it's awesome.

Speaking of Margo, our favorite quote is "Why's the carpet all wet Todd?.... I-don't-know-Mar-go!" from Chevy Chase's Xmas vacation. Me and Margo have been having a great time - we always have these 'adventures' we call them when one of us is driving and we are on a mission going somewhere...something always happens. It started a long time ago when I first got my license, and was driving us 2 home from yet another BS in the family's LARGE 1986 Pontiac and got pulled over because I raced to get off an exit I thought I was going to miss and cut off a cop .... who immediately put his lights on and followed me but the exit-ramp kept winding around a turn and I wasn't sure if I should actually pull over right away or wait and get off the exit...until by the 3rd time the cops voice echoed..."Pull Over NOW." HA...He let me go anyway...but we always laugh about that.

And what I can write is that I do have a return date (finally) to good old Jerusalem. Can you believe? 3 months at home already and it's over just like that.

OH and my cats are so cute. I should blog about them sometime.