I can't believe I'm blogging...

...Thus begins the inside life of yet another person - friend, sister, daughter, muso (I love that word), lover of God, lover of life, runner, worshipper - who sits randomly around the world in Jerusalem, Israel and has joined the ranks of those who also sit somewhere and think and ponder and then write...How exciting.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Last Minute Things....

So no matter how much time you spend at home, 3 weeks OR 3 months, it's always that LAST last week of rushing around that makes you go crazy. And then you start remembering everything you have to do before you leave because there is a deadline now "oh, i'm actually leaving the country soon!"...things that you've put off like a big pile of papers sitting in your room for months that you have to go through and don't know what to do with, or putting your hundreds of pictures in an album after about 4 years...

All that to say, I've been busy here with the usual stuff, including seeing people for the last time for a while - meeting up for breakfast, lunch or dinner - whatever fits the schedules ...

These pics which Nicole and Tony know REALLY well is basically just to make them jealous. OH i mean, to remember how much we LOVE this place: One of the MOST awesome restaurants around is Villa Mosconi's - AMAZING homemade Italian pasta and a great armosphere. We love it because we know everyone that works there :) They are great and we recommend this place to everyone who comes to NYC...it's also right next door to where Nicole and Tony's wedding reception was in Manhattan.

This was breakfast this morning, the 7 Star Diner in Whitestone, NY where the rest of my family lives. We've been doing breakfast actually once a week for the last few weeks so the waitress got to know us pretty well.. she knew this was my last time there, but it'd be a trade-off with my brother who will be flying in for a visit on Saturday, so she'll get to see him next week..New Yorkers are great sometimes, they're like your best friend. We also notice that in a lot of family pics, it's hard to get my grandfather to actually look at the camera long enough for his face to be seen. He's usually looking another direction, except this time he just probably wanted to eat...


At 11:19 PM, Blogger Daniel Jansezian said...

Just for that I'm going to slip zaatar into all your food any chance I get. Anyway, we like Picollo's better, so we don't feel THAT jealous. I'm sure Tony will have a few words for you later...

At 6:37 AM, Blogger Emmm said...

It's ok. I'll take pictures at Piccolo's when we go on Saturday night...

At 2:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so...when will you be back in Israel???

At 9:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nicole & tony - be jealous. The food was awesome and some of the best I ever had in my life. I had paglia e fieno, pollo indoratto, gnocchi and capped the meal with zabaglione and raspberries. oooooo so good!

em, i miss you.

At 2:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was great having you home, Em. Will miss you and your laugh at our weekly breakfast at the 7 Star. Snif, snif.

At 7:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you just love NY Italian food? Speaking of missing you. . .girl, I almost text messaged you a few times and realized, your bro would get them, not you! haha. . .yup, the girls were asking about you last night. Kara hooked us up well at MSG. . .nice suite. And, believe it or not, cats and dogs were a major feature at the circus! You should of saw how they trained cats. Can you believe? One looked like PB. . babies. Back in the day, there were lions and tigers, now there are kitties and doggies.


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