The Emily Formerly Known as .... can fill in the blank in the title if you want...
So I'm back from cold Minnesota to cold NYC. WHY does it have to be COLD!!! You guys better not be outside tanning yet in Jerusalem.

So some pics from the trip: apparently their claim to fame over there is the "cherry in the spoon" piece found at the Sculpture Gardens. Interesting, though I couldn't quite put my finger on the relevance of it and any thoughts are greatly appreciated.
This is me and Sarah at a very cool and very large David Cr

This of course was me finding an illegal piano, as I tend to do, and sit down and play it and then get kicked off. I think I only lasted 10 minutes before a security guard came and asked me to leave, "You're not allowed to play the piano, Miss." Oh well. I played the innocent card..."Oh, sorry. Well why is it sitting here? Does it ever get played?" He said, "No, it's only for show." Why would a piano be sitting there like that in the middle of nowhere and open for anyone to come and play it and THEN not be allowed to!!?? What's the point. If its just gonna sit there, why not move it to my house where it will be put to use?
You know they say that 90% of the money in this country is owned by 10% of the population....
I hope that last comment made sense. I thought it did at the time...