The Perfect Cappucino

The challenge of course is, making them yourself, should you have a machine. I tried once a while ago when I first got here, it was a slight disaster - and it just wasn't quite the same as Aroma. But while I was away in Germany, Nicole who was also catsitting, would come by for one or two or three...So since then I've learned to make them...better...

AND one day (just a few days ago) I really did almost make the perfect cappucino, almost... We only know one person who we've selfishly required be on his life-long-goal list..and he makes them pretty dang good. Franklin bought his capp maker in ITALY though :) which of course immediately pushes the quality up to beyond amazing, but Franklin is famous for being a 'perfect capp maker...'
Mine came close. And now I have to leave the apt - with the cats and the Mr. Coffee behind. It's almost tragic and JUST when I was getting into it...